With the unique ability to restore volume, add definition, and smooth fine lines, it’s clear to see why dermal fillers remain one of the most popular aesthetic treatments on the market today. 

In lips, dermal fillers are an effective yet non-invasive way to enhance, plump, and sculpt the area for a more youthful appearance. With so many different options available, when looking for the best lip fillers it is important to see a trained professional, who will be able to identify your concerns and recommend the best solution. 

Now, whilst most lip fillers are based on Hyaluronic Acid, each one works slightly differently and is used to address different concerns. Here is a list of some of the best lip fillers on the market.

Juvéderm Ultra and Ultra Plus – Most commonly used to add volume to thinner, or fading lips, both variations produce incredible results right away and are safe to use in older patients looking to add some definition back to the lips. Juvéderm Ultra is slightly softer in formulation and can feel a little more natural to the touch. Results for both are noticeable for around 6 months to a year.

Juvéderm Volbella – Vobella is highly effective at improving overall lip definition, creating a ‘cupids bow’ at the top of the lips, and minimal volume throughout. Due to its thin consistency, Volbella produces the most natural-looking results and will last around 6 months. 

Juvéderm Vollure – Vollure is one of the longer-lasting lip fillers, with results visible for up to 18 months. Whilst the overall consistency remains soft, Vollure is effective at creating structure and adding shape to the lips.   

Restylane Refyne and Defyne – Both Refyne and Defyne are highly effective in adding volume to the lips and providing structural support for longer-lasting results. 

Both Refyne and Defyne are also effective at softening nasolabial folds and marionette lines to soften deep creases that may develop between the nose and chin with age. 

Getting lip fillers

Here at Ness Aesthetics, we will invite you in for a consultation ahead of your treatment to discuss your concerns and identify the best lip fillers for you. 

Overall treatment usually takes around 40 minutes to complete, and we will use a topical numbing agent to help minimise any discomfort during the treatment. Now, following your treatment, you may experience some minor side effects, including: 

• Redness

• Slight bruising

• Tenderness

• Slight burning sensation around the injection site 

All these side effects should clear up by themselves within a few days, and we will be on hand if you have any concerns. 


To ensure longevity in your lip fillers, you should try to follow the aftercare advice as much as possible. Following lip filler procedures, it is advisable to:

• Avoid strenuous exercise 

• Avoid direct sunlight  

• Drink plenty of water

• Avoid excessive heat such as saunas, hot showers, and stoves

• Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours 

For more information on lip fillers, or to book your free consultation, contact Ness Aesthetics.

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